European Nurses for Private Yacht in Europe - Ref: 5_1 - #242455

European Nurse Recruitment

Data: há 1 semana
Cidade: Portimão, Faro
Tipo de contrato: Tempo total
Ref: 5_1

We are looking for European Nurses who are interested in starting to work as a Registered Nurse on a Private Yacht (with heliport) that sails around Europe, docking from time to time in the following European cities:

United Kingdom




Greek islands

When the yacht is docked, sometimes you will spend the night in 5* hotels (no family member will be able to come visit you). Team of 10 Nurses on rotating shifts, 2 Nurses per shift, normally working night shift. 12 hours per shift.

Job Interviews are made up of 3 phases:

  • Online interview (30 min)
  • Face to face interview (30 min) in a European city (travel expenses will be paid by the candidate, then they will present the receipts to the foreign company by email and within 15 days they will receive the refund)
  • 10-day trial on the Yacht or in a European city (London, Paris) (the trial days are paid proportionally according to the annual Gross Salary of 45,000 - 60,000 pounds)


4-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) from a European country

European Nationality

English Level C1


Minimum experience of 4 years in Hospital

1 year contract with the possibility of renewal

36 hours per week

4 days off per week (No family member will be able to come visit you)

Annual Gross Salary of £45,000 - £60,000 (tax free)

30 days holidays per year

Free accommodation and meals, both on the yacht and in 5* hotels (pets are not accepted)

Free access to the Gym and all the Yacht facilities

Work uniform provided

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IEFP, Portimão, Faro
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IEFP, Portimão, Faro
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